zaterdag 20 november 2010

White Screen bug?

Sometimes when I'm playing Ravenwood Fair the central game part of the screen goes white. All the outside controls still work, but there's no way to get it back except to go out into Facebook and to reload the whole game. Is this a known bug or something weird? I'm using IE 8. 

it looks like some part of the loading process is simply failing (especially if you're saying that a reload is often enough to fix it...)

passing this on, but it might be a little too vague at the moment. if you can come up with a reliable way to duplicate it, we'll definitely jump on it

RIP Gifting Loopholes...

It recently came to our attention that a few un-intended loopholes in gifting were being exploited in a fairly massive way. Not only were they outside of expected Facebook application/game behavior, but they were also outside of the realm of how we had planned the balance of the game (some of you were progressing waaaaaay faster than we could make quests to keep you occupied). We realize that a lot of you have come to depend on them (posting links for materials in every possible channel) and for the loss we are very sorry. Just to be clear, here's what was changed:

- "Multi-gifting": you were able to gift any of the free gifts to one another through the "My Neighbors" tab to your hearts' desire.
- gift anyone through help links (non-neighbors): the massive links that you were all posting every possible place will now only work if your neighbors are clicking on the links. This may sound like a bit of a nuisance on the surface, but if used properly with groups, it can be just as useful as before.

Thank you all for your support of Ravenwood Fair so far. Your feedback and time mean a lot to us all here at Lolapps.

(Raven) Woody
Community Manager
Ravenwood Fair
Lolapps, Inc.

New sending / receiving gifts options....(19/11/2010) ...

For everyone who still doesn't know...Ravenwood blocked our normal cheating of sending multiple gifts...We still can cheat though...Not that many but every gift counts ;o)

You can send 1 gift through the links on this page...AND you can go to their profile and click the "Help me" link also to sent them another gifts... It means that we can 1 through link, 1 through a profile and 1 in the game... Means 3 gifts a day so far...

So keep posting the things you need, but pay attention to the following steps...

1. When you need 4 different gifts,post them 1 at the time, check your gamerequest regulary and empty it, when you got the first gift complete you can post the second , etc...

2. Make a looooooooooooooot of friends and even more neighbours, you gonna need them to fullfill your quests !

Last but not least...Maybe everyone can post when they sent somebody a gift under the link of that person...So that when tehy need 7 for example...other people can see how many already sent the gift... It would be a shame that people receive gifts they don't need while they can use other gifts ;o)))

New cheating option found by Cat & Linda :o))))

Go to your friend/neighbour each link of gifts you want sent your friend (every gift you sent your friend he/she can sent you back). Click in each seperate window on sent gift. That's all...:o) (Keep 1 thing in mind you can only use the gifts links that were posted today:( )

When you want to make your friend/neighbours in this group easier to sent/receive gifts ....Make a post like this :

"I need  
5 tickets
10 wedding bells etc.

Click the link to go to my posting wall
thank you"

We keep you up to date about this subject ;o)

The circus is in town...

Ravenwood Fair A wedding, a feast, AND a circus? Your Ravenwood Fair is becoming quite the attraction! Come on in and see what Strongbug has in store for you...

the Ravenwood Fair Team
Lolapps, Inc.

vrijdag 19 november 2010

Experiencing trouble sending gifts...

Ravenwood Fair Looks like some of you may be experiencing troubles sending gifts to your friends after clicking on "get help" feed stories. We are aware of the issue and we are planning to release changes that will help you with that tomorrow. Among other things you will be able to send gifts back to your friends easily with one clic...k!

the Ravenwood Fair Team
Lolapps, Inc.

('Like' Ravenwood Fair to stay informed with updates like this one!)

Fair examples...

Show and Tell Tuesday! Check out these submissions from the community. Looks like some experts are on the case of Fair building!

the Ravenwood Fair Team
Lolapps, Inc.

('Like' Ravenwood Fair to stay informed with updates like this one!)

Full Screen...

By popular demand, full screen is here! In your settings menu, one little click will expand your Ravenwood Fair experience to fill the entirety of your computer's visual real estate (and more??). Enjoy!

the Ravenwood Fair Team
Lolapps, Inc.

('Like' Ravenwood Fair to stay informed with updates like this one!)

zaterdag 13 november 2010


Ravenwood Fair Thanksgiving is just around the corner (sorry, Canada, we know you already had yours! no hard feelings?) and fall is in the air. Say goodbye to Halloween and hello to Turkey Day! Buildings, games, decorations, materials, and quests shall be yours to behold! Loosen up those belts and get ready for a visual feast

the ...Ravenwood Fair Team
Lolapps, Inc.


Halloween's ending...

Ravenwood Fair Halloween is coming to a close this afternoon. Get your building, game, costume, and decoration purchases out of the way today! Halloween dropped items will no longer be coming from the trees to make room for Thanksgiving drops. Don't worry though! If you've got any Halloween related that you'd still like to finish, yo...u'll be able to just fine.

the Ravenwood Fair Team
Lolapps, Inc.


donderdag 11 november 2010

How to post your request link on the group page

1. Go to your profile page

2. Search for the Ravenwood Fair gift request post that you want...

3. See the yellow colored "Help Me" ?

4. Right click that with your mouse and select from the little pop-up menu "Copy" (Copy link or something like that)
(For those who don't know right click mouse ------>Your mouse has 2 buttons, left and right, click right to g to little pop-up menu)

5. Paste your link in the group 
(Right click mouse--->little pop-up menu--->select paste)

That's all
Grtz Desie :o)

woensdag 10 november 2010

Calendar for your blog

If you want a calender for your blog like the one second from the top of the right sidebar (position may change as I add or take away Page Elements) of Technology Articles, this is how you can do it.

Go go Plain Calendars, chose the calendar you like (note that at the top of the page, there are other categories of calendars, so if you don't like the example calendar I chosed, you can always go for a different one). Below the example of the calender is a box containing the script to display the calendar. Click on the inside of the box and press ctrl+A (or right-click on your mouse and select "select all") to highlight all the script, click ctrl+C (or right-click on your mouse and select "copy") to copy the script into clipboard, and I think it is advisable to open a Notepad file and paste the script into Notepad (probably best to do it twice so you have an original and you have one you can edit. The calendar I selected for the above post has the script

<!-- -->
<div style="text-align:center;"><iframe src="" width="120" height="150"
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="no" scrolling=no allowtransparency="true"></iframe></div>
<div style="text-align:center;><a style="font-size: 3mm" href="">Free Blog Content</a></div>

Note that the width and height of the calendar is 120 and 150 respectively (highlighted in red above). The width of the sidebar of Natural Remedies is 150 pixels, so I would like to change its width to 148 pixels. (To learn how to find the width of your blog sidebar, refer to How to find the width of your blog Header, sidebars, main column (click BACK button to get back to this page). I opened Irfanview (click BACK button to get back to this page). I then click IMAGE > CREATE NEW (EMPTY) IMAGE from the menu bar at the top and then input the image width=120 and image height=150. Click OK and a new empty image will be created. I then click IMAGE > RESIZE/RESAMPLE and then keeping the "Preserve aspect ratio" ticked, I edited the width to 148 and the height automatically changed to 185 to keep the aspect ratio constant (that is, the calendar will not be distorted). With the edited script, I then sign into Blogger (Dashboard) and click LAYOUT for the relevant blog from the list of blogs. I click ADD A PAGE ELEMENT in the left sidebar and selected HTML/Javascript. I pasted the edited script for the calendar into the box and click "Save changes" and a new HTML/Javascript Page Element appear at the top of the left sidebar of the LAYOUT. I drag and drop the new HTML/Javascript Page Element to the second from the bottom of the left sidebar, then click "Save" at the top right of the LAYOUT. The result is as you see it.

I originally wanted to demonstrate this in the blog Computers, Internet and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but found out that the blog uses a fluid width sidebar (which means the width of the sidebar changes with the screen resolution of the visitor. This complicates matter because I will then have to size the calendar to the smallest screen (resolution) to avoid problems. I have a way of doing it, but I think I will leave that for another post.

Uploading animated .gif image to Blogger post

I tested uploading animated .gif image to Blogger post at Testing uploading animated .gif image to Blogger.

Conclusion of the test is, if you upload the animated image direct via the Blogger photo upload icon Google Blogger photo upload icon, the image will no longer be animated as you can see from the first image which was uploaded via the via the Blogger photo upload icon Google Blogger photo upload icon in the toolbar of the Blogger post editor.

If you want the image to remain animated, you must first host the animated .gif image with the free Photobucket image host and use HTML to display the animated image. Here is a screenshot of the animated .gif image uploaded to Photobucket (click on screenshot to enlarge):

Update: According to error7zero, "you can uploaded your (animated gif) files to Google Sites. Apparently, it is also easier to track.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In the screenshot above, I have highlighted the third tag wrongly. You can use it directly, but the image will link to Photobucket homepage, and not to your image or any other sites you want the image to link to. Further, the alt="some description" attribute describe Photobucket". It is the second tag (URL) that you should use for use in your profile, typing your own <img src="image URL" alt="" /> to display the image or to use the image as a hyperlink to another site, eg, your book you are trying to sell on Amazon, etc. However, if you are not familiar with using the <img> tag to display images, the third tag (highlighted) you can just copy and paste into your Blogger post editor window to display the image, and if you wish, edit the target URL to link to any site of your choice and edit the alt="" attribute to some description of your image. The HTML have already been prepared for you and you don't need to know any HTML

For blogging purposes, only the second and third box is relevant. The IMG code (one of the BBB code normally only used in bulletin boards) where you can just copy-paste the IMG code into a message and post in a bulletin board to display the image.

For displaying animated .gif images, you MUST use the EDIT HTML mode for your post editor, otherwise you will not be able to write HTML properly.

Typing the image HTML tag yourself

As you can from the screenshots, the free Photobucket image host give you 4 codes. The second one is the actual URL and if you are familiar with HTML for displaying images, you can type the HTML yourself. It will be of the form

<img scr="photo URL" alt="some text" title="some text" /">

Replace 'photo URL' with the actual URL of the photo which you can get by clicking on the second box (Direct Link) you see in the screenshot above and pressing ctrl+C key or right-click on your mouse and select "copy", then pasting it within the quotation marks in scr="photo URL" and deleting 'photo URL' (that is, in short, replacing 'photo URL' with the actual URL of the photo).

The attribute alt="some text" and title="some text", where you replace "some text" with something relevant to the photo, and are optional. That is, you can leave it out if you want. But it is highly recommended to add them as search engines spiders cannot read images, but can read what is written inside the alt="" and title="" attributes. Adding them will thus enable search engines spider your post better. Further, by adding the title="" attribute, when you hover your mouse cursor over the image, you will see a tool tip displaying the text you put between the quotation marks.

Copy image HTML tag from Photobucket and pasting it into the post

If you are lazy to do what is described above, you can just click on the third box (HTML tag) which for the image used in Testing uploading animated .gif image to Blogger, is:

<:a href="" target="_blank"><:img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"><:/a>

Note that it is given as a hyperlink (starting with <a....), and anyone clicking on the image will be taken to the Photobucket site, not to the page showing the photo. Further, the alt="" text is given as alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" which means you are doing a favor for Photobucket. Well, if you are generous, that is a fair exchange for Photobucket hosting the photo free for you. Plus you have the luxury of just copy-pasting. Also, the animated image will be aligned left.

Copying the image HTML tag from Photobucket and editing it

Another alternative will involve a little extra work but will get the displayed and at the same time do what you want. If you want the animated image to link to a site of your own choosing, you can delete and replace it with a URL of the site you want to link to (the actual image on the web, your favorite site, you homepage, etc.). If you are observant, you will notice that the example of the image HTML tag obtained direct from Photobucket end with

alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">

whereas mine ends with

alt="some text" alt="some text" /"

(note: for Photobucket, no space between title=""> and no / for HTML tag. This is bad practice because to be compliant with XHTML, a HTML tag with opening tag and no closing tag (most HTML tags come in pairs, and opening tag and a closing tag. Only very few HTML tags like the img tag don't need closing tag) should end with a / plus there must be a space between the last attribute and the /. I suppose if you want to comply, you can just edit the HTML from Photobucket yourself.

Further, the image is aligned left. What I did in Testing uploading animated .gif image to Blogger was to copy the photo HTML direct from the third box (HTML tag) and as I don't want it linked to Photobucket, I deleted the

<:a href="" target="_blank">

in front of the <:img...... and then deleted <:/a> at the back of the tag, leaving the image HTML tag as

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" title="animated gif image"/>

leaving the alt="" attribute as alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" as a favor returned for Photobucket hosting the image for me free, adding title="animated gif image" but adding a space after the title="" tag followed by a backslash / to make it XHTML compliant.

In the third test image, I wanted to center the image, so I surrounded the above edited image HTML with <div style="text-align:center"> and </div> (note: this is the standard tag with an opening tag and a closing tag) so that the image HTML become:

<div style="text-align:center"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" title="animated gif image" /></div>