zaterdag 20 november 2010

New sending / receiving gifts options....(19/11/2010) ...

For everyone who still doesn't know...Ravenwood blocked our normal cheating of sending multiple gifts...We still can cheat though...Not that many but every gift counts ;o)

You can send 1 gift through the links on this page...AND you can go to their profile and click the "Help me" link also to sent them another gifts... It means that we can 1 through link, 1 through a profile and 1 in the game... Means 3 gifts a day so far...

So keep posting the things you need, but pay attention to the following steps...

1. When you need 4 different gifts,post them 1 at the time, check your gamerequest regulary and empty it, when you got the first gift complete you can post the second , etc...

2. Make a looooooooooooooot of friends and even more neighbours, you gonna need them to fullfill your quests !

Last but not least...Maybe everyone can post when they sent somebody a gift under the link of that person...So that when tehy need 7 for example...other people can see how many already sent the gift... It would be a shame that people receive gifts they don't need while they can use other gifts ;o)))

New cheating option found by Cat & Linda :o))))

Go to your friend/neighbour each link of gifts you want sent your friend (every gift you sent your friend he/she can sent you back). Click in each seperate window on sent gift. That's all...:o) (Keep 1 thing in mind you can only use the gifts links that were posted today:( )

When you want to make your friend/neighbours in this group easier to sent/receive gifts ....Make a post like this :

"I need  
5 tickets
10 wedding bells etc.

Click the link to go to my posting wall
thank you"

We keep you up to date about this subject ;o)

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