Last Updated on Sunday, 17 April 2011 22:19
Many glitches require you to use a farm bot. Also you need the bot to level up fast and gain coins. There are two bots at the moment, both can be installed parallel (in different directories of course).
1) Facebot
Facebot is the revolutionary new farm bot. It does the same tasks like the older FarmVille Bot, but is developed further in many points. While it does handle multiple accounts it does not have a multiuser feature yet (a multiuser feature hopefully will be released sometime).
Pro: Does have an updater, no need to care for plugins. Start the bot, manage installing and updating plugins with the fbupdater. Supports EC very nicely.
Get Facebot here (choose the "setup" file for your very first install): http://www.facebot.org/
See facebot.org for tutorials, also visit the support forum for help: http://forums.facebot.org/
It got some plugins like FV Bot (see below), but many additional and replaced plugins:
- fbUpdater: Only plugin you need to get all other plugins (comes with first install of bot). Shows newest versions and changes of plugins and parser; update with one click.
- fbGifts: Accepts gifts and sends thankyou-gifts. Works with other facebook games also. Note this is not done by the parser like in fvbot, but by a plugin in facebot.
- fvGifter: Sends special gifts to your friends or alts whenever it is possible
- FarmStats: Shows lots of info about your farm like planted crops, next harvest time, level, fuel, items etc. Replaces the former FarmInfo plugin.
- fvManager: Sell, purchase and place items. Craft goods and manage bushels. - discontinued, replaced by:
- fvCrafter: Craft goods, manage goods and bushels.
- fvNeighbours: Visit and help neighbours, see all info about them in a list. Option to delete inactive neighbours (update and then look at "last seen.." value; check, delete and save to get them deleted) is included.
- fvFarmer: Replaces seeder and 99% of settings. Plants, plows and harvests your crops, also harvests animals, trees and buildings, choose what classes of animals to harvest is possible.
- fvLinks: Replaces PX_Links, also grabs links of alts.
- fvTools: Harvest stable, dairy, orchard etc. over and over. Replaces FarmGold of the Toolbox plugin. New features: Build certain buildings, fertilize farm, choose which kind of tree-seedlings to water and sell, manage Greenhouse, limit number of certain items on your farm.
- fvXML: Shows all itemcodes of the newest xml and arranges items in categories
- fbBrowserNavigator: Recommended, shows all plugin settings tabs in one tab for the selected account.
- fvGiftbox: handles your Giftbox and Collections, replaces Giftbox Manager.
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