zaterdag 25 juni 2011

How to breed foals etc

How to breed foals etc

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Here's a short manual on how to breed many foals a day manually.
Of course you could also do this faster (but without having the nice posts with pictures on your wall) and use the bot with running farmgold or fvtools - then pick up the links you get with either myrewards, links or fvlinks (depends on bot).
First, a warning: Don't put any rare foals (or calfs) in your nursery, they will grow up to normal foals or blue/cream only and you will loose them!!! Hover with your mouse over the pictures inside the nursery to see into what adult each foal or calf will grow up to! You can only put blue pony foals, cream draft foals, cream mini foals, grey foals, brown foals and black foals in the nursery (all of them are not 'rare'). They will grow up to the "right" adults, all others will grow up to different "normals" and will be lost.
Update: In Nov 2010 Zynga made some great changes - it is no longer necessary to empty your stable or dairy to make them ready to harvest!

Tipp: If you breed manually you may want to speed up farmville with downloading:
Speed Bar for Firefox
With this bar you can prevent certain categories of flash (crops, animals, everything; check everything you don't need to see in "settings" then click "activate speed" and reload) from loading. Since you still see all items as "shadows" you are still able to breed and farmville will load very, very quickly (also useful to harvest and plant - only uncheck your plots in "settings" to do so withno lags at all.)

Foals of all kinds, especially rare foals, come from the stable:
1) Stable method
  • you must have at least one stallion or wandering stallion in your stable to breed (and at least one other horse; watch discovery channel if u r interested in why that is ...)
  • put every horse in your stable from which you want to have foals (works well with only 2 horses inside, rate is a little higher having 5 horses and becomes a little higher again having your stable half-filled with horses)
  • put a 34% ready or higher horse in your stable --> stable is 100% ready to harvest
  • harvest. Sometimes you only get money (or arborists, farmhands, XP), sometimes a foal for you and your friends
So, to breed you need to have some horses outside. If you got eg 20 horses outside you are able to harvest your stable 20 times a day. Use minis like the cream minis to not waste too much space.
Tipp (ty @Freddy :-) ): Since the stable takes about a second to ripe you can look inside and take out your seeder horse again before harvesting it IF you are fast enough.
Hope this helps, happy foal-producing @all!

2) Dairy
  • a bull must be inside to get calfs; and the breeding rate depends on the number of cows inside the dairy
  • put a 100% cow into your dairy with the move tool (the "hand") --> dairy is 100% ready to harvest
You can get only one calf a day, that means, every 24 hours - regardless how many dairys you've got. So there is actually no "cow breeding", just harvest your dairy barns once a day. If you get nothing from the harvest, put all your special cows into the next ready barn, add a ready cow to them to make the dairy ready to harvest and so on. As soon as you get the first calf you have to wait 24h to get the next one.
Post more calfs a day? This is only possible if you got more than one fb account - rightclick and copy the link on your wall, then zip it with to make it shorter and easier to post in chat or on the wall of your main account.

3) Nursery
Harvest and be lucky to get a horse or cow, your friends get a foal/calf from it. Update: Just heard the "old" breeding method works again on nursery. Untested so far. Empty and put a ready foal in it to ripe it (thanks to shela for pointing this out).
On GU there is a chart of what grows up into what, there are only few possible adult horses.
Some additions: Cream Mini Foal will grow up to Cream Mini Horse (Stallion Mini Foal and Miniature Foal will grow up to a Cream Mini Adult, too; but these are rare so it's not recommended using them for breeding) --> frequently check the pictures in your nursery so you won't miss any changes

4) Turkey Roost
Old breeding method works (thanks to shela for pointing this out!). Empty your roost, put a 50% or more ready turkey in --> roost is ripe, put other turkeys in if you want to, harvest to get fruit cake and baby turkeys.

5) Chicken Coop (patched!)
Does no longer work since Nov 12, harvestable only once a day now - might work again someday, though.

6) Orchards
Like the coops the orchards are not "breedable" - that means, you won't get seedlings. But if you use the bot to take trees in and out (use farmgold or fvtools to do so) at least the trees are ready to harvest them over and over again and this way you get your tree masteries pretty soon.

Where to get the rare adults? Sadly most of them have been in mystery boxes or only for a short time available at the market, so you only can wait for Zynga making them available again or till there is a new glitch that allows to get them. Regarding unreleased horses/cows, these are of course only available by using glitches.

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