dinsdag 10 mei 2011

Creating Actions - The Basics

Actions are ones of the best things in Photoshop :) I have created some major time savers and use them every time I am designing or creating layouts.

I will show you today how to begin recording actions - the basic steps. This tutorial was made by me in CS3 - the basics will work for CS4 as well.

First we want to make our Actions palette visible. Click on Window->Actions.

Now we are going to create a new set like this.

Name your set and press OK.

Now we are going to create the actual Action. Click on the little Icon to create a new action and name it.

Use the controls at the bottom to stop if needed - to start recording again press record.

***Now record your action!!!*** I do not know that much about action recording - I have learned everything by trial and error and I have been making my own actions for months to save time while using Photoshop that is how I learned to record them.

After you have recorded your action will need to save it. Press on the top right arrow icon in the Actions palette.

Then click Save Actions and Save :)

And you're done!

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