maandag 9 mei 2011

Scrap Turkey

I own the intellectual copyright for the written tutorial.  What you make is yours, but please do not take my tutorial.  Share only my link.
This tutorial is intended for beginners to learn how to use a shapes.  If you have any questions, please feel free to Email  me.
To do this tutorial you will also need Paint Shop Pro.  I wrote this with  Paint Shop Pro X2, but the steps may also be done in any version.  You may download a free trial at Corel.
Remember to save as a psp file often!
1.  Open a new, transparent image, size 800 x 800.
2.  Choose the selection tool, set to ellipse.  Draw a large circle selection that takes up about 2/3 of the space.  Fill this selection with your first scrap color.
3.  Effects > Geometric Effects > Spherize
Set strength = 100, shape = Circle
4.  Selections > Float
5.  Effects > 3D Effects > Cutout, Vertical & Horizontal = 0, Opacity = 75, blur = 100, shadow color = black
6.  Selections > Select none
7.  In the layer palette, right-click on the layer and choose Duplicate.
8.  Image > Resize.  Resize to 50 PIXELS.  UNcheck Resize all Layers.
9.  With the mover tool, move the head into position.
10.  Choose the Preset Shape tool
11.  Set the Preset shape tool to the teardrop shape.  Be sure that Retain Style is UNCHECKED.  Set width = 100.  Set foreground = black, background = another scrap pattern.
12.  Draw a large upside down teardrop (to be a feather).  If you draw it upside down, just go to Image > Flip.  Move the feather into the center of the image.
13.  Layers > Arrange > Send to bottom. 
Image > Canvas Size.  Set width = 1000, height = 800.
14.  Right-click on layer and choose Convert to Raster Layer.
15.  Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel.   Bevel = pie shape, width = 31, smoothness = 30, depth = 25, ambience = 8, shininess = 19, color = white, angle = 315, intensity = 30, elevation = 45.
16.  In the Layer Palette, right-click on the feather layer and choose Duplicate.
17.  Image > Free Rotate.  Direction = Right, Degrees = Free 10,  UNCHECK everything.
18.  With the mover tool, move the feather over to the right to start fanning the tail feathers.  Continue to make 4 or 5 more tail feathers.
19.  Once, you finish making the right side of the tail feathers,  right-click on the first feather layer again and choose Duplicate.  Image > Free Rotate, LEFT 10 degrees.
19.  With the mover tool, move the feather over to the left to start fanning the tail feathers.  Continue to make 4 or 5 more tail feathers.
20.  Click on the top layer in the layer Palette.  Set the background to an orange color or to an orange tinted scrap.  Choose the preset shape tool, and draw another upside down teardrop for the beak.
21.  Right-click on the beak layer and choose Convert to Raster Layer.
22.  Selections > Select All.  Selections > Float.
23.  Effects > 3D Effects > Cutout.  Vertical & Horizontal = 0, Opacity = 75, Blur = 15.84, Shadow color = black.
24.  With the same orange color/Scrap, choose the ELLIPSE SHAPE tool and draw out an ellipse for the foot.
25.  Use the Tear drop to make the toes.
26.  Right-click on the vector layer and choose Convert to raster Layer.
27.  Repeat Steps 22 & 23 to get the Cutout on the foot.
28.  Right-click on the foot layer and choose Duplicate.
29.  with the mover tool, move the copy foot over to the left side of the turkey.  It should now have 2 feet!
30.  Set the background color to another scrap fabric.  With the teardrop shape draw a wing.
31.  Grab the node (square) in the middle of the wing and rotate the wing, and use the mover tool to get the wing into position.
32.  Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel.   Bevel = pie shape, width = 31, smoothness = 30, depth = 25, ambience = 8, shininess = 19, color = white, angle = 315, intensity = 30, elevation = 45.
33.  Image > Mirror
34.  Set the background to white COLOR.  With the ellipse shape, draw the white oval for the eye.  Right-click on the layer and choose Convert to Raster Layer.
35.  Set the background color to black.  With the ellipse shape, draw the black circle for the pupil of the eye.  Right-click on the layer and choose Convert to Raster Layer.
36.  Right-click on the black eye layer and choose merge > Merge Down.
37.  Effects > 3D Effects > Cutout      Vertical & Horizontal = 0, Opacity = 75, Blur = 15.84, shadow color = black
38.  Right-click on the eye layer and choose Duplicate. 
39.  Image > Mirror.
Your turkey should be done now!
40.  Layers > Merge > Merge Visible
41.  Save the turkey as a PNG or CompuServe GIF.

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