zaterdag 25 juni 2011

Expanding farm for 80fv - expand english farm for free

Expanding farm for 80fv - expand english farm for free

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You can get with this methods:
a) Highest farm expansion paying 80 fvcash instead of 250 fvcash. Credits and thanks @shaneod for finding this! Required: a not yet expanded farm with 80fvcash on it. The number of neighbors does not matter.
b) Modificated method (see below) gives you all expansions for english country for free. No requirements.

a) Method for normal farm (you need 80fv)

1) Go to market >> "upgrade farm", turn Charles' breakpoints on, buy first expansion (Homestead for 20 fvcash).
2) In the upcoming request change the line farm14_cash to farm26_cash:

3) Execute 2x, turn off breakpoints, reload farm.

You should have the 26x26 expansion been only charged 80 fvcash for it instead of buying all the lower expansions first (= 170 fvcash). Changing cash- to coinexpansion (farm26) does not work. Skip buying lower expansions supposedly does not work with coins - I lack the neighbour requirement needed to test this.

b) Modificated method for english country farm:

- all credits go to Plinko for finding this! -
(since everybody arrived on EC and expanded farms I think it's save to release it here now)

1) Enable Breakpoints, then load your farm - it will stop before it is fully loaded.
2) Execute the first request that pops up, then edit the upcoming response.
Change your cash in data --> userInfo --> player --> cash to a higher amount, like eg 900:

Turn off breakpoints, then execute the response.
3) Go to your market, open the tab with farm expansions there.
4) Enable breakpoints, click on the button to buy the cash-expansion.
5) Edit the first upcoming request and DELETE the _cash behind farm14 (or farm28 or whatever):

Turn off breakpoints, then execute the request.
6) Reload your farm, the expansion and your original cash amount should be there.
--> You don't need to reload after every expansion, but can do all in a row. If you deleted all _cash lines it will not cost you anything, even if you have the fv$ necessary.

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